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Maki History


Baytoti was founded by Abdul Elah Al Amoudi and his wife Rowaida Naseem who both believed in their dreams and worked hard over the years to develop Baytoti’s outstanding food quality at an affordable price. Until today the first branch is still open and welcomes you Jeddah, Alsalamah district


As the family grows, the oldest son “Mohamad Al Amodi” has possessed his parents’ passion for the business, he accelerated the journey of delivering the passion story to hearts before homes.


His cousin Eyad Naseem, joined Baytoti’s family as a partner with a clear plan for this passionate business. He standardized all food quality stages. And they have begun expanding in Jeddah.


After seeing the exposure, they realized the potential to expand to other cities in KSA.


Baytoti has more than 18 branches in 7 cities around the kingdom. With a clear global expansion plan.

Mission &Vision


To become the largest national food chain in KSA by operating brands makes us feel proud to present to our customers.


Seeking everyone, delivering a unique experience in quality, service, and price.